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Review: what is not seen cannot be seen even on Youtube - postcard from Pripizdinsk oblast express
17th November 2019
I was the absent audience member on several concerts. Not that it mattered much, because every interchange has an exit to Pripizdinsk and so I followed

Is a very good blog. Is in english - English not best always. But can understand mostly by anyone, yes. Face it and read on. Another thing problematic - has not been on concerts intending to write about. Not a problem, I did it once, I could do it again, faithfully. I can say everything I know about the concert I've not been to, and now I know at least some. See, I wanted to start this blog of mine with a bang, but bang was infinitiely delayed, as well as any other creative ideas I had or still have. Not going to happen as I intended, but I will rumble in the mud as long as I have to to let out what I can.
See, a year ago I started changing jobs. Not that it matters for this occasion directly. But I changed four jobs in the meantime because all of them felt inadequate for me. Yes, this job lacked good coffee machine, and this one lacked good company to talk about music, and this one job was too repetitive, not up to my taste, and that one had too much bad history, and that one had too much gossiping around about other coleagues, one even had toilet remotely but did not allow for remote work. In the end, after my final attempt to satisfy my thirst for knowledge and self improvement I landed in Pripizdinsk oblast only to find out much of the stuff I already had in my previous jobs. So, that's it, the problem is me. Very bad thing is that all these positions forced me to be what I am not, the worker, which I never felt like. Things are rarely creative in life, that's only left to bourgeoisie with too much time on their hands. When you need to take express to Pripizdinsk you know that you are not one of them. You are true to life, confined to real life conditions human vessel for pain, nausiences, and boredom.
Why was that important to say right now? Well, I had someone close die recently, I had to go to the funeral from my workplace and then back. Remote graveyard had strong winds blow and I got some nasty cold, feeling pretty much like zombie for the rest of the week, Exhausted mentally and phisically.
Friday came and I was optimistic to come on either if not both concerts. Oh, which two concerts you ask. Of course, I failed to mention. First one is Klotljudi and Nike Eyes in Klot club, a new place which has tons of events in order to get to the map as soon as possible, and I think it already did. Second one is Yva and the Toy George, one girl band from Rome, which I already seen a couple of times, but somehow recently, and particularly since it changed her style a bit, I couldn't make to her shows here, which are too few anyway. So, when I learned there will be these two concerts on the same night, I was both excited and worried. Little I have known that I will not make to either of them.
Come Friday I wash finishing some work which could take me as far as ... I cannot tell, let it remain secret, but there was something demanding I had to work on and to which I focused all of my energy. Deadline was a midnight of the very same day. I hoped I could finish to see Klotljudi first. Because who wouldn't. They are as close to The Fall, beside Klopka za pionira, that ever existed in Serbia (not counting Celik Promet here, I think they are too far to fit into "The Fall like" criteria). I like the singer, he has attitude, the music is loose, but rocking, and I don't know, unlike many other young bands here they do not put all their cards into pure energy (similar like during the '90's it was all about funk, rhythm, reggae at the same time almost for some). Anyhow, wouldn't that be a good beginning of the night. But during their concert I was walking my cat on a lead. OK, maybe I should I have prepared you for this, maybe it's too much information, but fact is I have a cat, he want's too walk around and see stuff, but I live in a building, I cannot just let him out like that, therefore I use the lead. If I don't do it he does nasty things. It deserves a story of it's own. Still I had a time to make it around 11 pm, but I was losing too much time. Oh, I had no bath! Damn, what we gonna do about this. But I feel so sick I like just lying down in my bed and watch random stuff over the internets! As if Nike Eyes hadn't took over already with their electronic grooves. I don't know yet what to make of them, even after seeing them live. Girl sings and guy plays music using machines. Sounds familiar? But it does not say a lot of music still. I found them bit on a dancing side and kind of claustrophobic in a good way I guess.
I sent SMS to my friend for whom I assumed was in Kvaka 22 where Yva and the Toy George is going to play. I needed an encouragement, I needed an information. My plan was too quickly get my self ready and jump in when the concert starts and leave home after it ends. However, the answer never came, but I learned from him tomorrow that concert was excellent. I remember Yva from earlier versions, and it was still hard to pinpoint with less than a full sencence. Electro-clash, no, yes? Retro, a bit. Dancing, maybe. Somewhat ironic, check. Arty, check. However, lately it joined the wagon of music artists taking inspiration from folk music, turbo-folk if you will, and generally music phenomenon tied to a lesser culture of the uneducated classes. With leftists the idea went upside down where now you should now feel guilty for not endorsing it. Sure I like some oriental melodies, I am little bit fed up with rock, pop music or whatever it is, I need something new. But I do not wear my taste like some kind of achievement badge. Like, "hey, I am listener without prejudices level 21"! Anyway, this has not so much to do with Yva, it is not her defining moment, as there is a lot of fun mixing of all stuff around the globe done and executed in a punkish way which I like a lot. Rather masterfully, as in song Rat (see references in the end of the text) where there is obvious global political message. But can I say more in a review of a concert I haven't been to. No, I can't. (Knope we can!).
Actually since I was so polite to my body that I remained at home, it's hard to explain myself what do I want, why do I write, what does these words carry?
A: It carries what you have to say, you are writing it to let it out, no one is going to read it anyway.
B: It is important because everybody should know you, you are so witty writer, a word meister... I am not. I actively sabotage myself, because:
B1: I want to be funny.
B2: Ego attack. I think I have super powers
C: I need a reason to finish this website in order to do other stuff with it. So many experiments await! So many tries to be tried.
This is true:
So many failures to try. Failure is a collision and it brings us closer to what's real. What is real? I am not a workhorse is one thing. I piss on it in rainbow colors.
PS Apologies to all artists mentioned for my inability to say a little more. It can only get better.
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