
v 0.43

This was a reserved post

8th March 2020, 23:17

This was a reserved post meant for the 8th of March. How quickly time passes, from this perspective it seems so distant, things like Women's Day belong to the distant past, a safe past which is not aware of our troubles. It just does not care as it is not aware yet as it exists in a world where death does not exist. 

But enough stating the obvious. What is not obvious? Is it this - stuck in an apartment doing nothing for the next 3,4,8, 122 months? Nobody knows. All this time to be creative and yet constipation is all you get. As if you are in an emergency, all anxious, and don't want to be caught by your enemy with pants down. Shit no more! Always move, especially in your mind, to other places. Even the date of this post is not real. 8th of March? No, it's April, not the 1st but a bit later. 

Little did I know that every band would soon be a house band. The concept I was so delighted with in the past. Now we are all portable but with nowhere to go. Drinking IPA beer from a middle class home and waiting till it's over. And then when the second wave comes, do it all over again, and the same after the third wave, and so on. Taking a cat outside on a leash, in prescribed hours when it's permitted. Work from home. Do the laundry, do the dishes, feed yourself. Rinse and repeat. Forever? 

I will be yelling to my microphone a lot I guess these days, and finish up this bunch of songs I started in August last year thinking I would be finished in a month or two. At least that's what I should do, but I study exponential function graphs too much.


Steve Jones

9th January 2020, 22:50

There's a Sex Pistol for every age, but don't get me wrong. When I was a teenager my favorite band member was naturally Sid Vicious. Because it's important for a teenager to be seen, to look cool, and some violence on both receiving and giving end was kind of romantic. Then you grow up a little, you figure it's also important to be smart, but also still kind of cool looking a bit more in an eccentric way. Talking about university years, and even some years before that, Johnny Rotten was my favorite Pistol. I mean nothing beats good provocation and supreme righteous arrogance. You grow up still and come to like Malcolm McLaren as the grand master of everything. Proven artist with theory behind him. Not a great looker, but it's not at all about looks, it's just brains. Then you start getting tired in your forties, now it's Steve Jones time, it's having fun, or what's left of it, in a lusty way, because tomorrow is maybe never. And then hopefully you become so old that Paul Cook becomes your favorite, because, I don't know, it’s finally ok to be tidy and kind of normal? I know for sure Glen Matlock won't make it to become the favorite one and I just know it.


Unreleasing releases

24th November 2019, 01:53

I think this should be a new thing: unreleasing albums. Be brave, face it, sometimes it's better to drown it in the past. But, events like that could also gather some positive attention and hype. Some fans typically dislike some albums, and in cases when a band didn't have any decent release in years, it could be used to draw a line: on this side is a good productive past, on the right, less than great more recent past or sad present time. And I think the authors would have the right, morally and legally and in whatever other way to disown the releases.  

Think of this scenario. The band is multi platinum or whatever album seller, and they suddenly decide, "this release is subpar, what we were thinking" (think of Cut the Crap by The Clash if it makes it easier). "Let's edit the memory of our band so that we become better, more flawless if not completely flawless band". And if you are true fun will follow. Others may disobey or even laugh at the idea, but they could be minority. In time, the album may be considered some demo collection, almost a bootleg, without official stamp. 

There are many bad albums in this world, some of which should have never seen the light of the day. Think of the future, re-releases! All the plastics, we could help the planet as well. 

Unreleasing albums could be the news. Imagine the countdown, the wait, and when the time comes, a big banner would come up saying - the band's history just got better!



Civilization II

17th November 2019, 23:54

There used to be a nice post about a game called Civilization and this thing called patience. Now it's not here anymore. This is a new post till I try to recover my great piece from oblivion. Therefore this post will be called Civilization II till we find the original, or I manage to write Civlization III, or even better, IV.


Allow me to care

15th September 2019, 22:47

I did some silly bunch of songs, 20 something of them, using my relatively new equipmet and I'm having a blast so far working on them. Of great help was a borrowed bass guitar and again it shows that that instrument is helping me be more productive, as it's always easier to come up with some melody using bass. This bunch of songs will eventually turn into something, an album I guess, and it will be the most energetic and compact release in years for me. 

In the other news I got hurt by following sports, I got angry on left, center and right, and miserble as I try to achieve things that are constantly out of my reach. 

But on the bright side some good thing happened after a lot of work, my assistance to Kristina Tica on her work for an excellent and very itneresting festival S.U.T.R.A. called VI ikone has proven to be a success. I consider it a success in several ways. For one, it's my first public work in computing since I started doing it that has something to do with art, excelly which is art per se. Second, I finally got to work with GAN alghorythm whch I never did before. And finally, I discovered how to use Google Cloud in a smart way so my computer does not have to sweat it to produce something which requires long time to be rendered, which saved us much time and nerves. 

That's it for this news. I might write some blog entry soon, and gradually I should shift more focus to my Nonlinear app very soon, so it becomes something real nto just a plaything in my mind.


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